With God, It is Always Yes hope inspiration rejection sarah damm

It was eight o’clock in the morning. My day was in full swing. I had already driven my children to school and was back home again. I had unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher.

As I was heading to my weekly Holy Hour, I checked my calendar and email. And I noticed a message from a publisher I...

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3 Reasons to Start a Blog blogging kate eschbach writing

In 2008, I started my first blog. It was a simple place to document my days and share pictures of my children. Whenever I finished a post, I would let my family know that an update was available. It was a way that I could share our move to Arizona without clogging up their email with...

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Writing and Sharing My Story claire dwyer holiness writing

Many of us can feel a little squirmy about writing about ourselves; after all, aren’t we supposed to be humble?  Hidden?  And allow the Lord to have the stage?

There are seasons of anonymity for sure; seasons to bury ourselves in Christ and let Him do some deep work.  Being...

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On Creative Work: Resistance and Retaliation claire dwyer writing

I glance at the computer and hesitate.  The cursor is blinking at me, waiting and wordless.

A few minutes later, rather than writing, I find myself sorting socks or organizing a drawer. The refrigerator is being cleaned out and the shelves straightened. 

Time—which I do...

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PraiseWriters is a membership community of writers who seek support, inspiration, and formation in both the craft of writing and the business of publishing and marketing. 


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